MARGARET runs in, hides behind the door, holds the tip of her
       fingers to her lips, and peers through the crevice.
  Margaret. He's coming!
  Faust [enters]. Rogue, it's thus you tease!
    I've caught you!
                                                       He kisses her.
  Margaret [embracing him and returning the kiss].
      Best of men, I love you from my heart?
                                               MEPHISTOPHELES knocks.
  Faust [stamping]. Who's there?
  Mephistopheles. A friend!
  Faust. A beast!
  Mephistopheles. I think it's time to part.
  Martha [enters]. Yes, sir, it's late.
  Faust. Mayn't I escort you, please?
  Margaret. My mother would- Good-by!
  Faust. Must I go then?
  Martha. Adieu!
  Margaret. But soon to meet again!
                                     FAUST and MEPHISTOPHELES exeunt.
  Margaret. Dear God! The things that such a man
    Can think of! Everything! I only can
    Stand there before him shamed and quivering
    And answer "Yes" to everything.
    I am a poor unknowing child, and he-
    I do not see what he can find in me.